How to Choose Clothes for a Hunting Trip?


Hunting trips are one of the most exciting trips you can take if you’re an avid hunter – but the preparation is as crucial as the performance.

Most hunters upgrade their equipment, gear, and even clothing – but how should you choose your clothes for a hunting trip?

What should you pack and how to efficiently prepare but not overpack?

If that’s what you’re looking to learn – you’re in the right place! Down below, we’ll show you the best tips and tricks to find and choose clothes for hunting trips but also learn how to efficiently pack and prepare yourself for the trip!

How to Choose Clothes for Hunting Trip?choosing-hunting-clothingclothes-for-hunting-trip

Hunting clothing is a lot more important than most hunters think as it’s just built differently and there’s much more going on than just camouflage.

We’ll touch on the benefits of hunting clothing in the next section, but now – you can find out how to choose clothes for a hunting trip below!

Dress in 3 Layers

Dressing in layers will help you pack just enough clothing and prevent overpacking – but it will also help you have a piece of clothing for every occasion.

The main 3 layers you should follow are:

  1. Base layer
  2. Mid layer
  3. Outer layer

Base Layer

The base layer should be something that fits tight to your skin and yet is able to wick out the moisture out of your body. The best materials are synthetic fabric, silk, or polypropylene fabric. However, you should choose the base layer in correlation with the weather and choose & prepare for one of the following:

  • Milder weather
  • Colder weather
  • Very cold weather

Mid Layer

The mid layer is going to trap the heat in between the layers. The best material is polyester or merino wool.

Just like with the base layer, you should choose it according to the weather conditions you predict for your trip.

You can double up the mid-layer for cold or extremely cold weather. If it’s warmer than predicted, you can always lose one layer.

Outer Layer

The outer layer is probably the most important one to keep yourself protected but also invisible. You should choose a jacket that won’t only keep you warm, but will also be waterproof, wind-resistant, durable, and light.

On top of that, you should choose a camo pattern which we’ll discuss next!

2. Choose Camo Pattern


Picking camo pattern is important, especially if you’re flying out further than your usual hunting ground.

And how do you choose a camo pattern? You should match the camo pattern according to the season, weather conditions, or by species.

It’s best to stick to the main & standard camo patterns such as:

  • Woodland
  • Snow winter
  • Marsh and field
  • Brush

Therefore, it’s important to do your research before you pack or especially before the purchase of hunting clothing for your trip.

3. Keep Warm and Safe

Don’t underestimate the weather (especially extremely cold locations). If you don’t feel warm – this could affect you for the rest of your hunting trip.

Even if you are traveling for a short hunting trip, you want ot stay as warm, dry, and safe as possible. Therefore, dressing up (and packing clothing) in 3 layers is the best way to never feel too cold or too hot. Reaching optimal temperature will be important for an effective hunt – no matter where you are.

4. Keep Hidden

Staying hidden goes much further than just hiding with the help of camo. If you don’t hide properly – your prey will detect you easily.

If this happens, your hunting trip ends up differently than expected. Blending in with the surroundings is important as we’ve mentioned earlier – there are at least 3 ways to choose your camo.

However, doing your own research before choosing the camo is also recommended.

But other than camo, we highly recommend you to hide your scent as this might give you away much sooner than inappropriate camo.

Benefits of Hunting Clothes


Some hunters swear that hunting clothes are one of them, if not the most important piece of hunting equipment/gear.


It can make or break your hunting success. By now, you could see some of the most important tips when learning how should you choose your clothes for a hunting trip.

Proper hunting clothing won’t only keep you warm, dry, and safe – but it will also help you blend easily in the surroundings, eliminate your scent, and most importantly – gives you confidence!

There is nothing better than dressing up in a proper hunting outfit before you head out for a successful hunt, right?

How Much Should You Spend on a Hunting Clothes?spending-on-hunting-clothing


Hunting clothes are much more important than what most people think – so when shopping for hunting clothing, you should consider it as an investment.

Therefore, cutting corners and going for cheaper options might not always turn out well, especially if you’re only shopping for hunting clothes for your upcoming hunting trip.

Instead, we highly recommend even spending a bit more money – but to ensure you’re getting top-notch quality.

Otherwise, you might not be hidden, you might end up being cold throughout the trip, or you might end up being very vulnerable to the wind (which isn’t good either).

Quality hunting clothes will cost you anywhere from $50 to $100 per piece. However, keep in mind that there are hunting clothes that cost over $150. They’re not a marketing trick to make you end up spending more money – but they actually provide better quality that’s easily noticeable.


Preparing for any trip isn’t easy, let alone a hunting trip. But no matter how excited you are – we highly recommend you to create a list, assess the hunting clothes you already have, and do your research on the location you’ll hunt in.

Weather is as important so regularly check on the forecast. Depending on the season and the location, things can quickly change so be prepared to make changes to your packed hunting clothes at the last minute.

Dressing by following 3 layer advice is the best way to stay safe, warm, and hidden without overly worrying whether you have everything you need. It’s always easier to add or remove a piece of clothing rather than have your whole hunting trip ruined for not having something near you, right?

How do you pack for a hunting trip? If there is any advice or tip you would like to share – feel free to share it in the comments below!