How to Remove the Speed Limiter on an Electric Bike You Use for Hunting


Greetings fellow outdoor enthusiasts! As we celebrate the first birthday of your trusty electric hunting bike, it’s time to unlock its full potential. If you’re itching to push the boundaries of speed, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll delve into the art of removing the speed limiter on your electric steed, ensuring your hunting expeditions reach new heights. Buckle up as we navigate the technical terrain, providing you with the knowledge to enhance your biking experience.

Say goodbye to speed restrictions and embrace the thrill of unrestricted adventure. Let’s rev up those engines and embark on a faster, wilder ride!

How to Remove the Speed Limiter on an Electric Bike


Unleashing the full potential of your electric bike can transform your riding experience, and removing the speed limiter is the key to unlocking that untapped power. Before diving into the modification process, it’s crucial to understand that tampering with the speed limiter may void warranties and, in some areas, violate local regulations. Proceed at your own risk and always prioritize safety.

Start by identifying the location of the speed limiter on your electric bike. Manufacturers often place it in the controller or the bike’s computer system. Once located, consult your bike’s manual or reach out to the manufacturer’s customer support for specific instructions on bypassing or removing the limiter.

Common methods involve reprogramming the controller settings or installing an aftermarket controller with higher speed tolerances. Some tech-savvy riders opt for firmware updates or hacks designed to override the speed limitations. However, it’s essential to exercise caution, ensuring that any alterations made comply with legal standards and won’t compromise the bike’s overall functionality.

Remember, safety should always be the top priority. Modifying your electric bike may lead to increased speeds, affecting handling and braking dynamics. Be prepared for these changes and gradually acclimate yourself to the newfound speed. Additionally, inform yourself about local laws regarding modified electric bikes to avoid legal repercussions.

By understanding the risks, following manufacturer guidelines, and respecting local regulations, you can embark on a thrilling journey with your electric bike, pushing its speed boundaries responsibly and enjoying the ride of a lifetime.

Benefits of Removing the Speed Limiter on Electric Hunting Bikes


Unlocking the speed potential of your hunting electric bike by removing the speed limiter can offer several compelling benefits for outdoor enthusiasts. Firstly, increased speed translates to enhanced mobility, allowing hunters to cover more ground efficiently. This can be particularly advantageous when navigating vast terrains or pursuing elusive prey, providing a competitive edge in tracking and stalking.

Moreover, higher speeds on hunting eBikes can significantly reduce travel time between locations, optimizing the overall hunting experience. Time-sensitive scenarios, such as responding to changing weather conditions or reaching strategic vantage points swiftly, become more manageable with an unrestricted speed capability.

The removal of speed limiters also empowers hunters to adapt to diverse landscapes seamlessly. Whether traversing rugged terrains, navigating hills, or crossing challenging obstacles, the ability to accelerate beyond conventional limitations ensures a smoother and more adaptable ride. This increased versatility contributes to a more dynamic and responsive hunting strategy.

Additionally, the improved speed can enhance the overall thrill of the hunting experience. Hunters often seek the adrenaline rush associated with the pursuit, and a faster electric bike can amplify that excitement. It transforms the hunt into an exhilarating adventure, combining the thrill of the chase with the joy of riding.

While embracing the benefits of an unleashed speed limiter, it’s crucial for hunters to exercise responsible riding practices, respect wildlife, and adhere to local regulations to ensure a harmonious coexistence with nature. Ultimately, removing the speed limiter on a hunting electric bike can elevate the entire hunting expedition, offering a blend of efficiency, adaptability, and adrenaline-fueled excitement.

How Fast Can Electric Hunting Bikes Go?


The speed capabilities of electric hunting bikes can vary widely based on factors such as the bike’s make and model, the type of motor it features, and whether it has a speed limiter. On average, most commercially available electric hunting bikes have a top speed ranging between 20 to 28 miles per hour (32 to 45 kilometers per hour).

However, enthusiasts and riders who seek higher speeds often explore modifications to bypass or remove the speed limiter. In such cases, electric hunting bikes can reach speeds upwards of 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour) or even more, depending on the alterations made.

It’s important to note that while increasing speed can offer advantages in terms of efficiency and thrill during the hunt, riders must prioritize safety. Higher speeds can impact the bike’s handling and braking dynamics, requiring riders to be more adept and cautious in their maneuvers. Additionally, riders should be aware of and comply with local regulations, as modified electric bikes may fall outside legal parameters in some areas.

Ultimately, the speed of electric hunting bikes is a dynamic aspect of the riding experience, and riders can tailor their bikes to meet their specific preferences and requirements. As technology continues to advance, the speed capabilities of electric hunting bikes are likely to evolve, offering riders an even broader range of options in the future.


In conclusion, the speed of electric hunting bikes plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall hunting experience. While most commercially available bikes offer a respectable speed range, enthusiasts seeking an extra thrill often explore the realm of modifications to bypass speed limiters. However, it’s crucial to approach such modifications with caution, considering the potential impacts on safety and compliance with local regulations.

By unlocking the speed potential of electric hunting bikes, riders can enjoy increased mobility, efficiency, and adaptability in diverse terrains. The thrill of the chase is heightened, turning each hunting expedition into an exhilarating adventure. Nonetheless, riders must be mindful of the responsibility that comes with increased speed, maintaining a balance between the excitement of the pursuit and a commitment to safety and environmental respect.

As technology progresses, the speed capabilities of electric hunting bikes are likely to advance, offering riders more sophisticated and customizable options. Whether for efficient traversing of rugged landscapes or the pure enjoyment of high-speed pursuits, electric hunting bikes continue to evolve, providing outdoor enthusiasts with a dynamic and thrilling means of exploring the great outdoors. As riders embrace the benefits of increased speed, it remains paramount to uphold a sense of responsibility, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with nature and fellow outdoor enthusiasts.