How to Prepare for Hunting Season


Depending on the game you’re after – hunting season might not always start at the same time. However, being prepared is the most important thing you can do.

But it better be early than late, or you might regret it in the long run.

And if you don’t know how to prepare for hunting season – you’re in the right place! In this post, you will find out everything from the first steps to take to the final preparations before going for your first hunt.

This guide is ideal for everyone from the first-time hunters to seasoned hunters who would like to have a check-list to follow.

How to Prepare for Hunting Season

It’s better to be prepared at all times than to miss something out just before the season starts. If you’re trying to get ready days before the hunting season opens – you’re already late.

These 8 things you can find down below are must-do things to get yourself ready, but also ensure that you are hunting safely and ensure your own and everyone else’s safety.

Of course, breaking rules is something you shouldn’t be doing at all in hunting – so let’s go through the list as it will help you out if you’re a first-time hunter.



Gearing up for another season is tempting but the first steps you need to do are the formalities which include getting your hunting license for the next season, checking out for any new regulations for your area and the next hunting season, and double-checking the start of the hunting season.

This is something you shouldn’t miss out on – but luckily, this won’t take you a lot of your time. Ideally, you could sort all formalities along with a morning coffee and a laptop.

Secure a Hunting Spot


Do you hunt on private or public land? If you hunt on private land – it would be a smart idea to visit the property and landlord before the season starts.

Ensure that the land is ready for the next season but also that the lease on the land is correct and good to go for another season.

However, if you’re hunting on public land – scouting the land and doing your homework before the season is something you should get used to doing.

This time allows you to look out for natural funnels, escape routes, and deer beds. If you’re hunting on public land – you should also acknowledge other hunters and prepare for such a challenge.

If you can find out the edges of the hunting area you’ll be in and find out where other hunters may enter – this will let you learn the way the game will move and how you can turn it to your advantage.

Food Plots

It’s not a secret that maintaining a food plot can lead to a lot more success in the upcoming hunting season.

However, the right placement is the key to success.

You want to set up an area up to 2 acres, possibly up to 200 yards from the game’s bed. And what should you plant, you might wonder?

Mostly a mix of vegetation, however, doing your own research on the game you’re after will give you an advantage you can use.

Trail Cameras


If you’re going after deer, setting up trail cameras is something you should definitely do. Trail cameras are an inexpensive investment that can ensure success down the road – and now is the ideal time to set them up.

You should look out for healthy trees and set trail cameras up to 15 feet from the deer path. Don’t forget to conceal the cameras! Otherwise, you will spook your prey.

Get Your Weapon in Shape


Depending on the weapon of your choice, you should get it in shape before the season starts – even if this means just double-checking its condition.

If you depend on a rifle, inspect it for loose screws. Loose screws often occur around the scope or rings.

Then, you will have to do a bit of testing to ensure your rifle is accurate in various weather conditions.

Lastly, you should stack up the ammo since running out of ammo is the situation you don’t want to find yourself in.

However, if your weapon of choice is a bow – you should inspect it closely so you ensure that you don’t end up with broken cables or strings during your first hunting trip in the new season.


Decide if You Will Use a Stand

Most hunters don’t use a stand – but if you require one, it’s now or never. It’s the perfect time to scout the land you’ll be hunting on and choose a spot where you will set up your treestand.


Try finding a location that will allow you to set up the stand as high as possible but also ensure that you conceal your scent.

Lastly, you don’t want any limbs to get in the way so clear the limbs before it’s too late.

Prepare and Supply Your Hunting Kit


Every hunter should have its own hunting kit which is basically a collection of the most essential accessories hunters require.

This includes basics such as the:

  • Additional smartphone battery (or portable charger)
  • Lighter
  • Flashlight or a lamp
  • Food supply
  • First aid kit
  • GPS, map, and compass
  • More batteries

Think of the things that you couldn’t go on a hunting trip without and ensure that you pack them along. This list is a great start.

Additionally, pre-season time is the ideal time to shop for additional hunting equipment, work on ways to conceal yourself, purchase new hunting clothing or accessories, or even change your choice of a primary hunting vehicle.


Pre-season is the exciting time, and even though it might feel like there’s a lot to do – but it’s actually the basics every hunter should get comfortable with.

If you are a first-time hunter, feel free to bookmark this post and always have it with you since this gathers almost everything you need to learn how to prepare for hunting season.

However, learning from how to prepare for a season from an experienced hunter is also a great choice, if you have the ability, of course.

But if you have any questions – feel free to leave your questions down in the comments section and we will do our best to help you out!

What is your best preparation strategy for the upcoming hunting season?